Filtering by Category: "video installation"

GLI.TC/H at Transistor, Oct 1st

Added on by Cole Pierce.
I have a video screening during GLI.TC/H, please come to Transistor (5045 N. Clark St) on Friday Oct 1st.
The program is from 8 - 9PM, followed by performances from 9 - 11:30PM. Here is the schedule.

Video Program
8 PM, Friday Oct 1
5045 N. Clark St.
Chicago IL

GLI.TC/H is an international gathering of noise & new media practitioners in Chicago from September 29 thru October 03, 2010!

GLI.TC/H features: realtime audio & video performances with artists who misuse and abuse hardware and software; run-time video screenings of corrupt data, decayed media, and destroyed files; workshops and skill-share-sessions highlighting the wrong way to use and build tools; a gallery show examining glitches as processes, systems, and objects; all in the context of ongoing dialogues that have been fostered by experimentation, research, and play. GLI.TC/H is a physical and virtual assembly which stands testament to the energy surrounding these conversations.

Projects take the form of: artware, videos, games, films, tapes, code, interventions, prints, plugins, screen-captures, systems, websites, installations, texts, tools, lectures, essays, code, articles, & hypermedia.

GLI.TC/H-BUMPER from theodore darst on Vimeo.

Fishing, 2010

Added on by Cole Pierce.

Fishing, 2010
Video - Cole Pierce
Audio - Kendrick Shackleford and Cole Pierce

Fishing was created from footage captured with an underwater video camera attached to fishing line and controlled by a fishing pole in the middle of Lake Hayward, WI. Governed by chance, the video drifts back and forth between chaos and order. The murky green monochrome and shifting pattern of bubbles is a sublime landscape that occasionally gets interrupted by the reality of a school of fish swimming by. The soundtrack is equally alienating, which is an ambient glitch filled soundscape of processed guitar, ethereal textures and a flux of structures created by Cole Pierce with help from Kendrick Shackleford and Tyler Carter.

Upcoming Show, Per Second Project

Added on by Cole Pierce.

Friends and colleagues,

This weekend we are exhibiting new work in a show titled Per Second taking place in a vacant storefront in Logan Square as part of the Milwaukee Ave Arts Festival. Cole Pierce presents a two channel video installation in collaboration with Dustin Camilleri, who created a six channel sound piece in response to one of the videos. Roxane Hopper presents a single channel video called Echo Amphitheater, and an installation composed of photographs and a neon wall sculpture.

Please join us for the opening reception on Friday, July 31st from 6 to 10pm.

2827 N Milwaukee Ave.
Chicago, IL

July 31st - 6 pm - 10 pm *Reception
August 1st - Noon - 10 pm
August 2nd - Noon - 8 pm

Check out the Milwaukee Avenue Arts Festival website for the schedule of events and view the map of participating galleries.

Facebook event invitation

Vega Estates Presents

Added on by Cole Pierce.
Join us for our fourth installment Saturday, September 8th, 6-10pm.

In the Garage: The Addition
Kissing Sisyphus by Kelly Kaczynski

In the Basement: Low-level Vision
Domestic Firefly by Cole Pierce

Next up and last show of the series!!!: Steve Reinke and Selina Trepp, October 13, 6-10pm.

Join us this Saturday as we also celebrate Kelly Kaczynski's birthday!

The Addition and Low-Level Vision, located in the garage and basement of 723 West 16th Street, are a series of one-night only exhibitions featuring Chicago artists. The events will take place on the 2nd Saturday of each month from June through October.

Vega Estates
Roxane Hopper and Julie Rudder
723 West 16th St.
Chicago, IL 60616
(773) 852-9665
(336) 577-3276