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Vega Estates Presents

Added on by Cole Pierce.
Join us for our fourth installment Saturday, September 8th, 6-10pm.

In the Garage: The Addition
Kissing Sisyphus by Kelly Kaczynski

In the Basement: Low-level Vision
Domestic Firefly by Cole Pierce

Next up and last show of the series!!!: Steve Reinke and Selina Trepp, October 13, 6-10pm.

Join us this Saturday as we also celebrate Kelly Kaczynski's birthday!

The Addition and Low-Level Vision, located in the garage and basement of 723 West 16th Street, are a series of one-night only exhibitions featuring Chicago artists. The events will take place on the 2nd Saturday of each month from June through October.

Vega Estates
Roxane Hopper and Julie Rudder
723 West 16th St.
Chicago, IL 60616
(773) 852-9665
(336) 577-3276