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Born Digital | CAM Raleigh

Added on by Cole Pierce.
LAKE ODESSA (2012) audio multiple, silk-screen print on 90lb cotton paper,
handmade cases, found paper inserts, edition of 100. Print originally designed with Mixel by Cole Pierce, based on collages by Able Parris and Paul Soulellis.

I'm pleased to announce that I have a mix CD and sound installation included in this show at CAM Raleigh, and I will be DJ'ing the opening reception. In conjunction with the Born Digital exhibition, my music mix will be released on Headphone Commute's Podcast series on January 28th.

Born Digital on view January 28 through April 30, 2012
Showcasing a growing body of contemporary art that is visitor dependent and without the use of specific interfaces like keyboards or touch screens—aspects of this exhibition are movement-driven, empowering visitors to exercise their creativity and act on their curiosity. Born Digital features the work of 12 national and international pioneers of digital and new media art. Most of the featured artworks in the exhibition employ computer vision technologies, more commonly known as interactive video. The combined use of digital video cameras and custom computer software allows each artwork to “see,” and respond to, bodies, colors and/or motion in the space of the museum. Don’t miss this museum premiere!

Born Digital contributors include: Advanced Media Lab, Jacob Ciocci, R. Luke DuBois, Channel TWo, Brent Green, Ajay Kurian, LoVid, Cole Pierce, Dennis Rosenfeld, Daniel Rozin, Scenocosme, and Karolina Sobecka

Join us for an opening preview celebration
Sweets, savories, and drinks
Friday, January 27, 2012

Members Opening 7–9 p.m.

Wear your rocket-high heels or fastest track shoes
Live DJ — Born Digital Exhibiting artist Cole Pierce

links to good music

Added on by Cole Pierce.
A great best of 2007 mix from Almost Cool Music Reviews can be downloaded here.